David Bobée



Da­vid Bobée was born in 1978. He stu­di­ed ci­nema and the­at­re at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ca­en. In 1999 he di­rec­ted his first pro­duc­ti­on “Je t’a(b)îme” (“I lo­ve/dest­roy you”) and fo­un­ded the the­at­re com­pa­ny “Ric­tus”. Sin­ce then, he has cre­ated mo­re than 15 shows: “Res / Per­so­na“, “The litt­le brot­her“, “Can­ni­bals”, “Our child­ren sca­re us when we see them on the stre­et”, “This is the end” etc. Ma­ny of them we­re cre­ated with his per­ma­nent co-aut­hor, pla­yw­right Re­nan Chéne­au. 

Da­vid Bobée’s works com­bi­ne va­ri­ous ty­pes of Arts; in his per­forman­ces the­at­re ac­tors can easi­ly co-exist with cir­cus ac­ro­bats and con­go­lese dan­cers. He starts each pro­duc­ti­on from a blank pa­ge, and he com­po­ses texts to­get­her with his ac­tors. He gi­ves ab­so­lute fre­edom to his ar­tists and cre­ates com­po­und per­forman­ces in which comp­lex tech­no­logi­es are in­se­parab­le from the po­wer­ful in­ner ener­gy of the ac­tors. 
Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov wan­ted his stu­dents to me­et a Euro­pe­an di­rec­tor who wo­uld de­mand eve­ryt­hing that the­ir uni­que con­tempo­rary Arts cur­ri­culum pro­vided for them. That is how “The Fa­iries” ap­pe­ared on the small sta­ge of the Mos­cow Art The­at­re. The me­eting of Bobée with the ac­tors of “The Stu­dio 7” tur­ned out to be so suc­cess­ful that this col­la­bora­ti­on con­ti­nu­ed on with a new pro­ject – the play “Me­tamorp­ho­ses”, and la­ter with “Ham­let“ in Go­gol Cen­ter.