Denis Azarov


Director at Gogol-Center

De­nis Aza­rov is a ra­re di­rec­tor who works suc­cess­ful­ly both in the­at­re and ope­ra and finds his own par­ti­cular way in bet­we­en the­se two gen­res. He ma­de his first pro­fes­si­onal de­but in mu­sical the­at­re, but la­tely he is drawn mo­re and mo­re to­wards Dra­ma. Ne­vert­he­less, all of his pro­duc­ti­ons, re­gard­less of the kind of ar­tistic gen­re they be­long to, exist in an ide­al form which con­ta­ins exp­res­si­on and stri­king ef­fects with de­ep me­aning, whe­re the aut­hor’s mes­sa­ge is cle­ar.

Aza­rov star­ted his pro­fes­si­onal work in 2005 at the the­at­re “New Ope­ra“, but he qu­ick­ly chan­ged di­rec­ti­on and star­ted wor­king at the Ba­disc­hes Sta­ats­the­ater of Karl­sru­he, whe­re Aza­rov comp­le­ted an in­tern­ship as a di­rec­tor. In 2007, Aza­rov fo­un­ded an ope­ra stu­dio un­der the na­me “The Mos­cow Youth Ope­ra Ho­use”, whe­re he di­rec­ted “The Jo­ur­ney to Re­ims” by Ros­si­ni, “The Trip­tich” ba­sed on the works of Schu­mann, Brahms and Kla­ra Wi­eck, “Lens­ky” ba­sed on Push­kin’s works and bal­lads by Rus­si­an com­po­sers, “Ale­ko” by Rakh­ma­ninov, and ot­hers. Sin­ce 2010, he has be­en the per­ma­nent di­rec­tor for the Mos­cow Cham­ber Mu­sical The­at­re (Pok­rovs­ky Ope­ra).

At the sa­me ti­me, Aza­rov is fi­nis­hing his the­at­re di­rec­tor clas­ses at the Rus­si­an Aca­demy of The­at­re Arts, whe­re du­ring his stu­di­es he di­rec­ted “Euge­ne One­gin” and “Iolan­ta” by Tcha­ikovs­ky in Kis­lo­vodsk, “Il Cam­pa­nel­lo” by Do­nizet­ti in Kav­minvo­dy, “The Fa­ir at So­roc­hinsi” by Mus­sorg­sky at the the­at­re “Rus­si­an Ope­ra” in Mos­cow, “The Vil­la­ge of Ste­panc­hi­kovo” by Dos­to­evs­ky in Sa­rov. Aza­rov al­so wor­ked as a di­rec­tor’s as­sistant on “The Gol­den Coc­ke­rel” at the Bols­hoy The­at­re and “Ame­rican Lu­lu” by O. Ne­uwert in Ber­lin. Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov was the di­rec­tor of the both pro­duc­ti­ons.

De­nis Aza­rov’s works we­re shown at the fes­ti­vals: “Ca­rac­ters”, or­ga­nized by the Mos­cow the­at­re “The Scho­ol of Con­tempo­rary Play”, “Trans­for­ma­ti­on” (Yaros­lavl), “De­cem­ber eve­nings” (Sa­rov), “ Ol­denbur­ger Pro­mena­de” (Ol­denburg, Ger­ma­ny), “Du­ren­ce Lu­beron Fes­ti­val” (Fran­ce).
In 2012 he di­rec­ted the "Christ­mas at Iva­novs" by Ale­xei Vve­vedens­ky at the Go­gol Cen­ter - it was the first full ver­si­on of this fa­mo­us ab­surdist play shown in Mos­cow.
Among his ot­her works are "Viy" at the Pla­yw­right and Di­rec­ting Cen­ter and "Pub­lic re­adings" in the pro­ject "The Open Sta­ge".
At Go­gol-cen­ter
Perfomance, 18+