Lyuba Strizhak



Gra­du­ating in 2007 from the The­at­re ma­nager de­part­ment in the The­at­re art Aca­demy of Sa­int Pe­ters­burg

Gra­du­ating in 2007 from the The­at­re ma­nager de­part­ment in the The­at­re art Aca­demy of Sa­int Pe­ters­burg, she be­came a pla­yw­right in 2010 and de­buted as a the­at­re di­rec­tor in 2012 in Te­atr.doc’s pro­ject “Klass­na­ya Dra­ma”.

To­day Striz­hak has writ­ten three pla­ys, ” You are in­te­res­ted”, “When the Sun Go­es Down (Ma­rina)” and “Gym-Sho­es”. Each of which has ma­de the short­lists of pres­ti­gi­ous dra­matur­gic com­pe­titi­ons inc­lu­ding the young Dra­ma fes­ti­val “Ly­ubi­mov­ka” (Mos­cow), the The­at­re and Ci­nema Fes­ti­val abo­ut mo­dern re­ali­ty “Tex­tu­ra” (Perm) and Ale­xan­der Vo­lodin’s fes­ti­val “Fi­ve Eve­nings” (Sa­int Pe­ters­burg). Striz­hak of­ten wri­tes her pla­ys in col­la­bora­ti­on with the­at­re di­rec­tors and par­ti­cipa­tes in nu­mero­us The­at­re La­bora­tori­es and work­shops, inc­lu­ding “AMThS – And­rey Mo­guc­hy’s The­at­re Spa­ce”, which is a La­bora­tory de­dica­ted to the com­mon work on cre­ating pla­ys by young di­rec­tors, pla­yw­rights and set de­sig­ners. Striz­hak is al­so one of the aut­hors of the­at­re fes­ti­val co-pro­duc­ti­on “Bal­ti­ys­ky Dom” and a do­cumen­ta­ry play “ADIN” (Sa­int Pe­ters­burg).

At the Go­gol Cen­ter she wor­ked on the script of the first part of Go­gol Cen­ter ope­ning show “00:00” and on Vla­dis­lav Nas­tavs­hev’s play “Fe­ar”