Sergey Vinogradov



In 2002 he gra­du­ated from Yaros­lavl Sta­te The­at­re Ins­ti­tute, the Ac­ting De­part­ment (co­ur­se by Ale­xan­der Ku­zin), in 2007 he fi­nis­hed the Bo­ris Schu­kin The­at­re Ins­ti­tute, the Di­rec­ting De­part­ment (co­ur­se by Ale­xan­der Vil­kin).

Born in 1981 in Yaros­lavl. In 2002 he gra­du­ated from Yaros­lavl Sta­te The­at­re Ins­ti­tute, the Ac­ting De­part­ment (co­ur­se by Ale­xan­der Ku­zin), in 2007 he fi­nis­hed the Bo­ris Schu­kin The­at­re Ins­ti­tute, the Di­rec­ting De­part­ment (co­ur­se by Ale­xan­der Vil­kin).

Ser­gey wor­ked in the The­at­re for Young Spec­ta­tors in Yaros­lavl, whe­re he had the le­ading parts in the per­forman­ces by Ale­xan­der Ku­zin. In 2005 he jo­ined the com­pa­ny of the Mos­cow Dra­ma The­at­re un­der the di­rec­ti­on of Ar­men Dzhi­gark­ha­ny­an. He to­ok part in the per­forman­ces The Pow­der Keg, The Go­vern­ment Ins­pec­tor, She in the Ab­sence of Lo­ve and De­ath, Mo­na and The De­ad­ly To­wer.

In Dzhi­gark­ha­ny­an’s The­at­re he al­so de­buted as a di­rec­tor with the play Be­auty Que­en by Mar­tin McDo­nagh.

In 2012 he jo­ined the tra­inee gro­up un­der the di­rec­ti­on of Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov in Mos­cow Art The­at­re Scho­ol MXAT. To­get­her with the rest of the tra­inees he to­ok part in the Ope­ning Night of Go­gol-cent­re with the per­forman­ce Go­gol’s He­ad.

He di­rec­ted per­forman­ces Sha­kes­pe­are… Lo­ve… (ba­sed on Sha­kes­pe­are’s son­nets) in Ark­han­gelsk M. V. Lo­mono­sov Re­gi­onal Dra­ma The­at­re, The Scar­let Flo­wer by S. Ak­sa­kov and Nor­way.To­day (He, She and the Abyss) ba­sed on I. Ba­uers­him in Ze­lenog­radsk ‘Ve­dogon-the­at­re’.

At Go­gol-cen­ter
Perfomance, 18+
The Lake
Perfomance, 18+