Vladislav Nastavshev



Three co­unt­ri­es inf­lu­en­ced the co­ur­se of li­fe and the art of Vla­dis­lav Nas­tavs­hev: Lat­via, Rus­sia and Eng­land. He was born and grew up in Ri­ga, then he left to Sa­int-Pe­ters­burg to stu­dy ac­ting un­der the di­rec­ti­on of Lev Do­din at the Aca­demy of The­at­re Arts. Then he de­cided to tra­in as a di­rec­tor and con­ti­nu­ed his stu­di­es in Lon­don, whe­re he di­rec­ted “Ru­din”, ba­sed on the no­vel by Ivan Tur­ge­nev, as well as “Miss Ju­lie” by August Strind­berg. 

Af­ter re­tur­ning to Lat­via, he di­rec­ted se­veral pro­duc­ti­ons in dif­fe­rent the­at­res in Ri­ga inc­lu­ding “Bo­ys smell li­ke oran­ges” ba­sed on Guy Da­ven­port’s no­vel and “Dark ave­nu­es” ba­sed on the se­ri­es of short sto­ri­es by Ivan Bu­nin. 
Be­fore the in­vi­tati­on to the Go­gol Cen­ter, Nas­tavs­hev had ne­ver di­rec­ted any per­forman­ce in the Rus­si­an lan­gu­age. Be­ing a di­rec­tor with ra­dical con­victi­ons, Nas­tavs­hev al­wa­ys chal­lenges his ac­tors with ve­ry comp­lex con­di­ti­ons. Ho­wever, this met­hod le­ads to ly­rical and sen­su­al per­forman­ces, which ema­nate ten­derness and joy of li­fe.