Zhenya Berkovich


Director at Gogol-Center

In 2007, she gra­du­ated from the de­part­ment of Ma­nage­ment of the Per­forming Arts at the Sa­int-Pe­ters­burg Sta­te Aca­demy of The­at­re Arts. In 2008, she be­came a stu­dent at the Mos­cow Art The­at­re Scho­ol, in the the­at­re di­rec­ting gro­up of Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov.

Among the di­rec­tors of her ge­nera­ti­on, Zhe­nya Ber­ko­vich is one of tho­se who ha­ve the most cri­tical vi­ew at the so­ci­ety of to­day. She fre­qu­ent­ly to­uc­hes upon the most em­barras­sing so­ci­al prob­lems: the con­di­ti­ons of the el­derly pe­op­le and autis­tic child­ren who are aban­do­ned by the go­vern­ment, as well as po­liti­cal­ly de­pen­dable ju­dici­al sys­tem and the ne­ces­si­ty and ho­peless­ness of the ri­ot aga­inst po­wer.

Bet­we­en 2003 and 2008, she wor­ked in the Sa­int-Pe­ters­burg The­at­re for the Youth as a di­rec­tor and a te­ac­her. In 2007, she gra­du­ated from the de­part­ment of Ma­nage­ment of the Per­forming Arts at the Sa­int-Pe­ters­burg Sta­te Aca­demy of The­at­re Arts. In 2008, she be­came a stu­dent at the Mos­cow Art The­at­re Scho­ol, in the the­at­re di­rec­ting gro­up of Ki­rill Se­reb­renni­kov. To­get­her with di­rec­tors Ilya Sha­galov, Ma­xim My­shans­ky and Ale­xan­der So­zonov, she par­ti­cipa­ted in the po­eti­cal per­forman­ce “The Red Li­ne”, pre­sen­ted to audi­en­ce at the “Vin­za­vod”.

She di­rec­ted “Ge­ron­topho­bia“ by Va­dim Le­vanov (Mos­cow Art The­at­re Scho­ol), “The Re­al War“ ba­sed on sol­di­er’s let­ters (a pro­ject of the Stu­dent the­at­re of Mos­cow Art The­at­re Scho­ol and of the Mu­se­um of His­to­ry of Stutt­gart), “The Lark” by Je­an Ano­uilh (the Mos­cow Art The­at­re), “A Man who did not work / The Jo­seph Brods­ky’s pro­cess” (The Jo­seph Be­uys The­at­re and the So­ci­ety “Me­mori­al”), the sce­nic ora­torio “AUT­LAND” with Ser­gey Nevs­ky’s mu­sic (the pro­ject Plat­form). As well, she was di­rec­tor’s as­sistant of Da­vid Bobée du­ring his work on “The Fa­iries” by Re­nan Chéne­au (The Mos­cow Art The­at­re) and the aut­hor of the sta­ge ver­si­on of “The So­und of Mi­sic” (di­rec­tor – Ev­ge­ny Pi­sarev).
Her first per­forman­ce in the Go­gol Cen­ter was the "Rus­si­an be­auty" ba­sed on a scan­da­lo­us no­vel by Vic­tor Ero­fe­yev. Her new show, "Ma­rina" af­ter the play by Ly­uba Striz­hak, is cur­rent­ly un­der de­velop­ment.

She ac­ti­vely par­ti­cipa­tes in the­at­re fes­ti­vals and work­shops all aro­und Rus­sia.
At Go­gol-cen­ter
Russian Beauty
Perfomance, 18+