
Perfomance, 18+ 2:40, 1 intermission
The play of a Swe­dish pla­yw­right Lars Nu­rena, will be sta­ged, fe­ar­less­ly and with a lar­ge do­se of ab­surdist hu­mor that ta­kes us up along the slip­pe­ry steps of mar­ri­ed li­fe, at the "Go­gol cen­ter" by a young Lat­vi­an the­at­re star Elmārs Sen­kovs. His .An­ti­gone., sta­ged in Ri­ga, was the sen­sa­ti­on of the .Bal­tic Ho­use-2016. fes­ti­val. A de­ep di­ve in­to the text and subt­le psy­cholo­gism that Sen­kov pre­fers to catc­hy ex­ternal ef­fects, is his hall­mark. He is ab­le to turn a sto­ry abo­ut re­lati­ons­hip in­to a re­al thril­ler, tho­ugh the­re are no ma­ni­acs on sta­ge, on­ly our fri­ends and ne­igh­bors.
The action takes place in 1982 in the city apartment . On stage, there are four people in their thirties, two married couples living in the same apartment building. The facade of affluent bourgeois family life conceals the burden of mutual irritation, trauma and sexual obsessions. “Small accident” is very mild euphemism for the sweeping conflict which the acting quartet gets involved in. The play of a modern Swedish playwright Lars Nurena, will be staged, fearlessly and with a large dose of absurdist humor that takes us up along the slippery steps of married life, at the "Gogol center" by a young Latvian theatre star Elmar Senkov. A deep dive into the text and subtle psychologism that Senkov prefers to catchy external effects, is his hallmark. He is able to turn a story about the relationships into a real thriller, though there are no maniacs on stage, only our friends and neighbors. Elmar Senkov, director: 
“Frank and Katarina live together. Their feelings are varying from love to hate. One evening their neighbors Thomas and Ienna are coming over to their place. This night both couples are not just having a good time together, drinking, and chatting. Clarifying their relationships on the public, all of a sudden, opens up those problems which they had not been brave enough to discuss before. Everybody struggles to understand how actually does he/her live, what does he/her want from the other person, from him/herself, from the world. 
The play of Lars Nurena talks about those demons who are awaking inside us while we are striving to pursue something real, to get higher. It is a cruel game, where all of the characters are trying to find themselves in the relationships with that person, who they live with. The premiere occurred on 30 September 2017.
Lars Norén
Production designer:
Jēkabs Nīma­nis

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Perfomance, 18+
Perfomance, 18+
Author: Lars Norén
Director: El­mar Sen­kov